Recently they have made a new album: Tommy Baron, a full cover of Tommy (the fourth album of The Who: ).
I have not listen to it yet :/
But never mind, today we are to remember an old great song. Other day, maybe we will be able to talk about this album and about other great songs or albums of this band.
This is the song: Tierra de nadie ( No man's land)
A un lado tu odio, al otro tu amor, / In one hand your hate, in the other hand your love.
la duda infinita, el viejo dolor / The infinite doubt, the old pain,
y mientras recelas del bien y del mal / and while you distrust the good and the bad
por un sumidero la vida se va / through a drain the life goes away
la duda infinita, el viejo dolor / The infinite doubt, the old pain,
y mientras recelas del bien y del mal / and while you distrust the good and the bad
por un sumidero la vida se va / through a drain the life goes away
nadie da nada por nada, hay que pagar / Nobody gives anything for nothing, you should pay.
Devuelve el espejo tu imagen fugaz / The mirror gives you back your flying image
y no estás seguro de tu identidad
/ and you are not sure about your identity
tu nombre no existe. dejaste el redil / Your name doesn't exist, you left the fold
tu nombre no existe. dejaste el redil / Your name doesn't exist, you left the fold
y en tierra de nadie
tendrás que vivir / and no man's land you will have to live
Nadie te acompañará allí,
nadie, / Nobody will go with you there, nobody,
y recuerda que
no tendrás un guía, / and remember that you will not have a guide
no esperes
protección, ni compasión. / do not hope to have protection neither compassion.
Tierra de nadie, obscuridad, / No man's land, darkness,
sin rumbo fijo debes vagar, / without aimlessly you should roam.
pero piensa que ahora eres libre / But think that now you are free
No perteneces a una facción, / You don't belong to a faction
pero piensa que ahora eres libre / But think that now you are free
No perteneces a una facción, / You don't belong to a faction
no crees en dogmas de religión,
/ You don't believe in dogmas of religion.
lo mas probable será que creas solo en ti, / probably you will only believe in yourself,
lo mas probable será que creas solo en ti, / probably you will only believe in yourself,
en tu propia fuerza. / in your own strength.
No crees en banderas, / You don't believe in flanges,
prefieres luchar por la madre tierra, / You prefer to fight for the mother earth,
por la humanidad /
for the humanity,
no cavas trincheras en donde vivir, / you don't dig trenches into where to live.
no cavas trincheras en donde vivir, / you don't dig trenches into where to live.
ni crees en consignas por las que morir. / nor you believe in slogans which die for.
No crees en partidos, / You don't believe in parties,
es triste saber
que gana el que gane tu vas a perder, / It's sad to know that whoever wins you will lose,
no crees en promesas que no cumplirán, / You don't believe in promises that they will not keep.
no crees en promesas que no cumplirán, / You don't believe in promises that they will not keep.
los falsos mesías te engañarán. / the false messiahs will trick you.
Estás en tierra de nadie ya, / You are already in no man's land.
en un sombrío lugar, / In a dark place,
entre dos bandos que al atacar / Between two faction that when they attack
te atacan a ti, no puedes huir / they are attacking you, you can't run away,
irán a por ti. / they will go for you.
No escucharán tu predicción / They will not listen to your prediction
de una herencia letal, / about a lethal heritage.
pero dirán "tiene razón" / But they will say "He is right"
cuando quizá sea tarde ya. / When, maybe, it was late.
Probably there were too many wrongs in the translation so... :S
Here is the song. Enjoy it :)
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