Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Lilith under the flowers (Avalanch - Bajo las flores - Under the flowers)

Today are going to meet a great band: AVALANCH

Nowadays this band is in a break (at least their fans hope that it was only so).

We do not like to write too much so you have to know something about them you have many options. For example:
Since this page is written in english we can see, for me, their best english song, from their last album (made by the hand of Luis and Romulo Royo) "Malefic Time Apocalypse". This song is "Lilith" and sounds in this way:

You can heard it with a best quality in YouTube, for example, if you want.

They have a lot of good songs, normally written in spanish, but in this last album they have demostrated that they can work in english too.

Another song that I like a lot is one about people do not usually talk. This song is: "Bajo las flores", a sweet-sweet ballad in memoriam of two friends of Alberto Rionda, death in an accident.

This is the song (from their album "Muerte y Vida"):

And here is the lyric (translated in the best way I can):

Noche, quedate aquí / Night, stay here
arrópame, no quiero dormir / Wrap up me, I do not want to sleep.
pregúntale al sol por qué su luz no brilla hoy / Ask to the sun why its light do not shine today
pregúntale al sol si sabe de estos versos / Ask to the sun if it knows about these verses.
Tenue luz quedate hoy aqui / Thin light stay here today
arrópame, no quiero estar así / Wrap up me, I do not want to be so
pregúntale al mar si ha visto dos estrellas hoy / Ask to the sea if it has seen two starts today
pregúntale al mar si sabe de estos versos /Ask to the sea if it know about these verses.
Si hubo una vez / If there was upon a time
que el cielo se tornó gris / That the sky becomes gray
la melodía me indicó a dónde ir / The melody show me where to go
y en mi memoría / and in my memory
os guardaré / I will keep you away
y, cuando no esté, ven a verme alguna vez / and, when I wasn't, come to see me sometime
bajo las flores / under the flowers

Vida, efimera y fugaz / Life, mayfly and flying,
Muerte, oscura y fría / Death, dark and cold,
guardad esta canción hasta el fin de los días / keep this song until the end of time.
llevadsela al sol, que conozca estos versos / Take it to the sun, that it knows this verses.

Sueño gris, de horror y soledad, / Gray dream, of horror and loneliness,
siento miedo, mismo así siento paz / I feel fear, as I feel peace,
por qué aplaudir a quienes ya no están aquí / Why to applaud to whom is not here yet
por qué no aplaudir cuando estaban con vida / Why not to applaud when they were alive
Si hubo una vez / If there was upon a time
que el cielo se tornó gris / That the sky becomes gray
la melodía me indicó a dónde ir / The melody show me where to go
y en mi memoría / and in my memory
os guardaré / I will put you away
y, cuando no esté, ven a verme alguna vez /and, when I wasn't, come to see me sometime
bajo las flores / under the flowers

Goodnight fellows ;P
PS: in spanish we use "arropar" with the meaning of "wrap up" and with the meaning of "tuck in". Both meanings are possible in this song, but probably are both at the same time

PS(2):  "until the end of time". Actually, they say "until the end of the days", but the meaning is "until the end of time".

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