Friday, 8 March 2013

Ricky Martin - Asignatura pendiente (Failed subject)

From one of his forgotten albums and for me the best album, indeed the only album of him that likes me: Failed subject (Asignatua pendiente) by Ricky Martin.

Tengo millas de vuelo para ir a Pluton,  / I have miles of flight (enough) for going  to Pluto,
 tengo un club de fans en la Luna,  / I have a fan club in the Moon,
 una casa gigante que veo desde un avion / a giant house that I can see since a airplane
 y en los ojos de algunos fortuna. / and in the somebody's eyes fortune.

 Un ejercito de alcahuetes,  / (I have) A horde of suck-ups,
 una foto con Bush,  / a picture with Bush,
 una suite en el Waldorf  / a suite in the Waldorf
 y mas autos que amigos.  / and more cars than friends.

 Tengo ganas de no tener ganas,  / I feel like not feeling like (difficult translation),
 tengo un par de mascotas que no saben quien soy  / I have a pair of pets what don't know who I am
 y entre tanto que tengo  / and among so much that I have
 no encuentro razon suficiente pa' (para) olvidarme de ti.  / I can't find reason enough to forget about you.

De tu mano pequeña diciéndome adiós  / About your little hand saying me goodbye
 esa tarde de lluvia en San Juan; / that afternoon of rain in San Juan;
 con los besos que llevo conmigo,  / with the kisses I carry with me
 qué son solo tuyos y nunca te di.  / which are only yours and I never gave you.
 Por andar ocupado en el cielo  / For being busy in the sky.
 me olvide que en el suelo se vive mejor.  / I forgot that in earth is lived better.
Mi boricua, mi india, mi amor,  / My "boricua" (someone from Puerto Rico), my Indian, my Love,
  Mi asignatura pendiente... / my failed subject...

Mi boricua, mi india, mi amor,  / My "boricua", my Indian, my Love,
 Mi asignatura pendiente... / my failed subject...

 Tengo tres oficinas y un piso en New York,  / I have three offices and a flat in New York,
 y el rey Midas trabaja conmigo;  / and King Midas work with me;
 tengo varias razones para tener razón  / I have several reasons to be right 
 de que no hay peor razón que el olvido.  /  that there isn't worse reason that the oversight. 

 Tengo intacto al niño que fui  / I have intact the child I was
 tengo ganas de anclar  / I feel like anchoring.
 y otras tantas de huir  / and also escaping
 a algún sitio perdido  / to somewhere lost.

 Tengo ganas de no tener ganas,  / I feel like not feeling like,
 de comprarme un boleto de regreso al ayer  / (I feel like) buying a ticket of returning to yesterday.
y entre tanto que tengo  / and among so much that I have
 no encuentro razon suficiente pa' olvidarme de ti.  / I can't find reason enough to forget about you.

 de tu mano pequeña diciéndome adiós  / about your little hand saying me goodbye
esa tarde de lluvia en San Juan; / that afternoon of rain in San Juan;
 con los besos que llevo conmigo,  / with the kisses I carry with me,
 qué son solo tuyos y nunca te di. / which are only yours and I never gave you.
 Por andar ocupado en el cielo  / For being busy in the sky
 me olvide que en el suelo se vive mejor. / I forgot that in earth is lived better.
Mi boricua, mi india, mi amor, / My "boricua", my Indian, My love,
 Mi asignatura pendiente... / my failed subject.

Mi boricua, mi india, mi amor, / My "boricua", my Indian, My love,
 Mi asignatura pendiente... /my failed subject.

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